"If you are American, do not get excited. This is a grilled food place, not an American Barbeque place, despite the cafeteria style presentation of the food. That being said, this has a typical €10 lunch that is decent, and has a greater selection for each course than I have seen at any other restaurant. Unlike every other restaurant that I have been to in Italy, you are not served at a table in this one. You get a tray, move along the counter selecting your choices, pay, and then seat yourself. There are ample selectons for the first (primi) and second (secondo) course, as well as the side dish (contourni). The rolls are very good. They have a few dessert selections--I had cheesecake with berries once and apple pie (not really) another time. There is also a place where you can choose a think hunk of beef, sausage, or other kind of meat and have them grill it on the spot for you. I do not know how much those premium choices cost. I have considered a big steak, but have always settled for the lunch. All in all, good value for the money and well worth a lunch if you are passing by."