"at the farmhouse, with the campsites next door, the two brothers have put up for a few years now this restaurant always crowded, with Ă la carte menu or, more convenient, fixed, in which case: three appetizers (in the occasion, a good fish moose even if with an excess of mayonnaise, wet meatballs and a salad of octopus, on normal,) two first coupons (delicate gallinella tortelli and potatoes, and the more ruspante cut of Uncle john, we say to the scoglio,) a second as the fixed brims to the cheek, however without account only We wanted for two fry and for two guazzetto, but he was stubbornly in the rule! in the summer we couldn't come for a sumptuous sold out of months! the kitchen of young people, a cook that in fact has done itself, is good, although a heavy cicinin in some dressing, service and account substantially in the average."