"I returned home and started eating my Italian BMT sandwich. I noticed that it had a peculiar chemical taste, reminiscent of melting plastic. I initially thought it was because my taste buds were still recovering from COVID and struggling to recognize flavors, or perhaps the bread had been left in a silicone mold for too long. I mentioned it to my partner, but still ended up eating the entire sandwich due to lack of self-control and the sauce masking the flavor. However, six hours later, I suddenly developed a severe stomachache. It felt as though every cell in my body was affected by the taste of the bad food I had consumed. I realized that I could still taste the plastic-like flavor, but now it resembled a sour meat taste. It dawned on me that the taste I had been experiencing all along was that of bad meat. It was akin to the smell that hits your nostrils when opening a pack of expired chicken from a supermarket, prompting you to throw it away and wash your hands. I currently have that sour taste lingering in my mouth, and it is worrisome. All I can taste and smell is that unpleasant flavor, and I fear I may be in for a rough night ahead. Every other time I have eaten at this restaurant has been fine. However, as they say, it's all good until it's not. Wish me luck."