"This is such a common, blah, run of the mill, nothing sort of bar that it's hard to believe my sister and I even ended up here one drizzly Friday night. It was one of those situations where we'd been out all day running around London, found ourselves in Soho and wanted to extend our night with a drink, but really didn't feel spiffy enough to head to any of our preferred nightspots nor did we want to settle for the typical pub either. Hence, *Zebrano* whatever that means... It's always a wonder to me how places like this stay in business, let alone continue to attract droves of customer, but the bar was buzzing enough for us to take it as a semi good sign and we decided to have a go. Inside we found an uninspiring bar, a cocktail list of drinks that sounded suspiciously weak and sugary, and grimy black tables but plenty of people! After ordering a couple of vodka tonics (playing it safe) we decided that the real action was definitely outside and went back out in search of a table and a heat lamp. And it was there that we learned what the Zebrano scene is all about... men stared (ludicrously), but didn't approach, some girl was doing her darndest to impress a bloke with a childhood tap dance routine, and every time a bit of pickup conversation drifted our way it was just pathetically inane entertaining but inane... ummm... *why* am I here again? Seriously, even if you're feeling a bit shabby, but still crave a bar scene, there *must* be a better option somewhere in Soho than this... (I'll let you know when I find it)."