"In the past, the acquisition of customer treatment noensinne in Gran Canaria. When we met Entecoten ikkje was enough stekt to Medium and should host stekt mer, we got to answer that it was stekt candy we hated ordered. The blood rant ut on the plate and it was seizing one a shoe sole. In addition, for instance, be more or less raw TVs in the past, it was brent on one side. It also needs to be the only glaciers on the restaurant. Eg hated a Bernaise saus as flattering nothing and cona ordered Peppersaus who came with flour clumps and crumble as brent brown saus but noen get all gingercorns uppi. Etter short time and one river had spit ut three munnfulls with unpretentiously secularly baptize the bill and would pay for her mat and tarry shower drinks and we prayed when the river get to my unequal mat. Kelneren is scraping to uss You will pay, more times while he is looking at us with the chef in the bag as wetne. Squeaking up as we scraped ourselves's more one we believe was possible. We paid and the sky us’s way away. Uff!!"