"good evening, I had dinner twice in your restaurant, great cuisine that I recommend to the good goatai, good service. I happened to book by phone in early October for two adults and a child, for a disguido mio che non sta here to list, (I authorize sig gian paolo to pubnlicarlo in whole if it considers it appropriate) in the evening towards the hours I receive an email, she booked did not come she is. I don't have time to lose with her. I said I was confused, and I apologized, but if you wanted me to pay for dinner immediately for no trouble. Dear Mr. Jan Paul, before writing certain things, the reason (with respect to the customer) for which he did not come, could have had an accident, could have been deceased, if the relatives had read his message would have had serious trouble, or if it had happened on a criminal. I can't imagine. I know mexza manciano, poderi, montemerano saturnia. the good manage the clientele you do not learn from today to tomorrow, meditate dear sir. (that if he apologized at the night of the incident) apologies have been given days I give greetings from the wild."