"had a cup of tea from here gave me a lot of energy, but was a bit too sweet for my pleasure. admittedly I put ten sugars in myself, but that was not meant. when I went down the road and went out on the curb. tee on the floor, cup on the floor, strange laugh about me if I had a wet it had been a stubborn experience, but I like to think about me as a dazzling chappy. as my one once said: “No point crying over the Spilt tea,” my nan was autistic. but yes, I'm sorry to whisper on my nann, said: "I could speak for English" uh there I am jabbering again, apologise. I will continue my assessment. beautiful tee, beautiful service, great location. the load isn't the bordstein. would come back here, maybe I'll stay next time to drink my tee. Yes, I will. I'll stay here. I look forward to a cuppa soon. a lot of love."