"Having been to Kura revolving sushi bars in the United States, which is generally rated 4+ stars, definitely not for sushi quality but maybe for the revolving sushi experience that is quite limited and new to the regions, Yo!, without a doubt, outranks them in my book. This place is generally extremely busy. No seats are left vacant, so don't expect too much space while eating, for the claustrophobics. Therefore, outstanding service is reasonably to not be expected. However, as a solo customer, I was able to be quickly seated at the bar, sandwiched between two other customers, with limited space to flare my elbows out while using utensils to eat. In comparison to Kura, the Salmon Sashimi at Yo! was much fresher. What actually surprised me most was the generous amount of seafood I was given in the Spicy Seafood Ramen I was served. The taste of the broth and texture of the noodle were mediocre, however. The staff quickly attended to my needs and were able to get me in and out with plenty of time to make it to my gate for on-boarding. All it took was a waiving of a hand to grab the attention of the overworked employees. Would likely come back."