Kugelfisch Sushi - Menu

Clemens-August-Str. 20-22, 53115 Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

🛍 Tee, Sushi, Japanisch, Asiatisch

4.2 💬 2065 Reviews
Kugelfisch Sushi

Phone: +4917611170811,+492285209398

Address: Clemens-August-Str. 20-22, 53115 Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

City: Bonn

Menu Dishes: 9

Reviews: 2065

"Wir waren mittags bei Kugelfisch. Es gibt für 15€ Sushi vom Buffet, Misosuppe und einen grünen Tee.Man kriegt für den Preis also einiges. Der Service war sehr sehr freundlich, engagiert und aufmerksam. Der Kellner allein hätte 5 Sterne verdient! Ich wollte jedoch ursprünglich kein Buffet sondern nur einen Nachspeisenteller, denn außer Buffet bekommt man mittags nichts anderes. Das finde ich schon sehr schade. Leider fehlten die meisten Zutaten für den Teller. Also nahm ich "rote Bohnen Eis" auf Empfehlung des Kellners. Leider schmeckte es so gar nicht. Ich mag rote Bohnen Paste wirklich gerne, aber das Eis war von der Konsistenz und vom Geschmack eher wie nichtssagendes Joghurteis. Ich ließ es stehen und der Kellner berechnete es nicht. Also doch Buffet. Die Sushi s haben ganz gut geschmeckt, aber sind in anderen Bonner Lokalen einfach besser. Die Auswahl ist recht übersichtlich, aber für 15€ war es in Ordnung. Ich würde nicht nochmal zum Mittagsbuffet gehen, aber vielleicht mal dort etwas bestellen oder das Abendbuffet testen, zu dem es wohl auch warme Speisen gibt."

Full menu - 9 options

All prices are estimates on menu.

Original Amigo-Pizza - Normal Ø 30Cm


Sushi Rolls




Japanese Specialties



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Leckeres Sushi, kann man kaum meckern :)Habe bisher immer nur bestellt, deshalb kann ich nichts über das Innere des Restaurants und die Bedienung sagen.


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tasty sushi ... not quite the quality as in a somewhat more expensive, but nevertheless the price accordingly. best is the dessert plate, only to recommend: service also very accommodating.


Das Sushi ist qualitativ hochwertig und sehr gut im Geschmack. Die Qualität ist gleichbleibend konstant. Der Service hingegen lässt oft zu wünschen übrig. Im großen und ganzen gutes leckeres Sushi zum angemessen Preis.


bin sehr zufrieden. Werde immer super nett bedient. Das Essen ist klasse- Besonders erwähnen möchte ich " Abdul ". Scheinbar ist er ständig vor Ort. Immer höflich und zuvorkommend. Daumen hoch. Liebe Grüße Irene Rausch View menu


We felt like sushi for lunch and were guided by our Navi to that restaurant. It was a bit disappointing that we could only have the lunch buffet and were not able to order anything else. The offered variety was nice but nothing special. The quality was good. But for what is offered way too overpriced. We felt a bit left alone without any explanation how things work in that restaurant.


Service ist Ok. Sushi eine Frechheit. Der Koch sollte mal lernen den SushiReis richtig zu zubereiten. Sojasoße sehr einfach, Ingwer auch, Wasabi ist in Formen Stunden alt und angetrocknet. Fisch ist Haar scharf an der Grenze zum ungenießbarem. Bier ist viel zu warm und die Schaumblume verfällt nach dem zweiten Schluck. Tippe auf Seifenrückstände. Alles zusammen ist der Kugelfisch nicht zu empfehlen.


Wir gehen öfters mal mittags hier her. Für den aktuellen Preis von 14,90 bekommt man Sushi, soviel man möchte und eine Tasse leckeren grünen Tee. Der Laden ist sehr klein und auch nicht besonders hochwertig eingerichtet. Ein schöne Location für einen Abend ist es nicht. Für mittags reicht es aber. Es gibt nur kalte Sachen zu essen, z.B. Makis, die sind dann aber frisch und lecker. Eine Empfehlung, für mittags. View menu


Wir waren hier zu zweit an einem Freitag Abend. Von der positivien Seite her lässt sich sagen, dass es frisches japanisches Bier vom Fass gibt, das Ambiente ganz nett ist, und die Bedienungen sehr freundlich sind.Das Essen ist ebenfalls ganz ordentlich angerichtet, beim Geschmack allerding war ich nicht zufrieden. Der Thunfisch schmeckte nicht gerade hochwertig ebenso wie das Surimi. Alles zusammen schmeckte sehr kompakt, so dass ich das Gefühl hatte, das gleiche Sushi hätte ich auch an der Supermarkt- Kühltheke erhalten.


Würde gerne 3 1/2 Sterne geben, da es nicht sehr gut war, aber auch nicht befriedigend... Es war einfach solide. Wir sind beide satt geworden und geschmacklich war es gut. Schade fand ich dass der grüne Tee ein Beutel-Tee war, wenn auch ein personalisierter von Gschwender. Ich mag es immer, dass der grüne Tee nicht von meinem ziehen abhängig ist. Da kommt es nämlich oft vor, dass ich die Zeit vergesse und der Tee bitter wird. Nicht so gut fand ich, dass meine gyoza und Tiger roll mit so viel Soße übergossen wurde :( es war schwierig ein Stück ohne Soße zu probieren. Das Mobiliar war auch nicht so richtig mein Fall. Ich habe beim Essen gerne eine Rückenlehne, aber das ist Geschmackssache. Die...


Wir waren mittags bei Kugelfisch. Es gibt für 15€ Sushi vom Buffet, Misosuppe und einen grünen Tee.Man kriegt für den Preis also einiges. Der Service war sehr sehr freundlich, engagiert und aufmerksam. Der Kellner allein hätte 5 Sterne verdient! Ich wollte jedoch ursprünglich kein Buffet sondern nur einen Nachspeisenteller, denn außer Buffet bekommt man mittags nichts anderes. Das finde ich schon sehr schade. Leider fehlten die meisten Zutaten für den Teller. Also nahm ich "rote Bohnen Eis" auf Empfehlung des Kellners. Leider schmeckte es so gar nicht. Ich mag rote Bohnen Paste wirklich gerne, aber das Eis war von der Konsistenz und vom Geschmack eher wie nichtssagendes Joghurteis. Ich ließ... View menu



Bonn is a charming city on the Rhine, known for Beethoven's birthplace. Typical dishes include Sauerbraten, Rhenish mussels, and Himmel un Ääd, a mix of mashed potatoes and apples.


  • Tee Explore our selection of soothing teas, offering both classic and exotic blends. Perfectly brewed to awaken your senses, indulge in our range for a moment of tranquility and flavor in every sip.
  • Sushi Delight in our exquisite sushi selection, featuring fresh ingredients, expertly crafted rolls, and traditional nigiri. Each bite offers a harmonious blend of flavors, promising a true taste of Japan. View menu
  • Japanisch Savor the essence of Japan with our selection of fresh sushi, flavorful ramen, and delicate sashimi. Each dish reflects authentic techniques and ingredients, delivering a genuine taste of Japanese culinary artistry.
  • Asiatisch Experience a culinary journey through Asia with our diverse menu. From the spicy flavors of Thai curry to the savory umami of Japanese sushi, we offer a wide variety of dishes that celebrate authentic Asian cuisine.


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The Bonneria does not accept a reservation for the terrace. Our chance of a table at this time is taxed by a service employee to 95 percent on the phone. We can choose a table on the spacious terrace, a handful of tables is occupied. We choose a two table on the back glass front of the guest room, have free views into the restaurant interior: lots of wood, partly leather-related armchair, tapas bar-flair. Guest room, photographed by the window front On the terrace there are predominantly two tables with bare wood plate on metal frame at small and larger distances, so that a larger group of persons can find space on two-sided tables. The surrounding garden chairs have braided seating and back surfaces, seat cushions are also available. But also Grandma's table is used on the terrace, as the following image is suspected. Table on the terrace Chapel four stars for the ambience, so the evening, almost cheesy flowerpot lighting does not change anything. The service team, two young men and a young lady, is on Zack. We are served by the two gentlemen, both are friendly and hospitable, and they have an idea of what they serve and how it runs in the kitchen. Although the terrace fills more and more during the evening, we wait for an exception no much longer than the preparation requires for our dishes and drinks. Only the dessert for my lover can wait longer. But at this time, almost all the tables are occupied, and the service dominations are primarily dragging main meals to the tables, which seems somehow understandable. We're worried, asking if everything's right, if we've tasted it. The service did his job well, four stars. Food and Beverage One of the two busy service owners, a jovial-fidel type, which is not meant to be devalued, hands out the menus and asks for drinks. My wife chooses a • bottle of mineral water Classic (0.75 l to 5,90 €, and since my wife wants to go home, I can afford a • Grauburgunder (0.2 l to 5,50 €, which will still meet in the evening. The drinks will bring us the Joviale a little later well cooled to the table. Mineral Water Classic He lets us further time to choose from the rich, spanish map. My Angetraute decides at the appetizers for a • Pan con tomate (roasted bread slices with tomatoes, onions and garlic, 4.10 €. I choose my beloved • Boquerones fritos (panierte und frittierte Sardellen, 4.70 €. The young man comes with a bread basket and a bowl. It serves us a greeting from the kitchen, fresh, warm baguette and rúcula aliolioli, a Rukola-Aioli cream. Greeting from the kitchen As simple as the greeting is from the kitchen, it tastes as well. The bread is warm and crispy, the Rukola-Aioli cream perfectly prepared, full of taste. A tasty start. After a short waiting period, the appetizers follow. Pan con tomate My wife gets two “Spanish Bruchettas”, one she already “in work” when I take the photo. The bread slices are roasted and still warm. They are coated with a mix of tomatoes, onions and garlic. With some pepper, salt and the rest of Rukola-Aioli, they sound good to my wife. Even with my Boquerones, I'm late, but not too late. Boquerones A few anchovies are already missing in the peel and the lemon is already squeezed. So it's when a food of my personal hit parade lures me. The Boquerones are thinly grounded and crispy. A little spice from salt and pepper and the ornamental juice underline the pleasing basic taste. I like it. As we have wished, the main foods come in a little time distance. A salad is served on both of our main dishes. The supplemental salad consists of various leaf salads, a few paprika strips, a cucumber disc, a minitomate and carrot shells, a plentiful portion – so plentiful that we cannot accommodate the small amount of well-tasting dressing due to the small bowl. Filete Loup de Mer con espinacas y patatas a la parilla The only optically appealing Wolfsbarschfilets convince my loved ones also tastefully. The fillets are fried crispy on the skin and although the insides are also slightly fried crispy, the fillets are not dry, but juicy and delicate. A slightly piquant reddish (Paprika-? Season perfects the taste. Since my wife does not tease the skin anyway, it is no lack for her that the fillets are served with the skin down, which is usually not the case to get the skin crispy. The patatas a la parilla, the so-called grilled potatoes, are not so appealing. Thus, it is almost only heated, thick slices of cooked potatoes with peel and much resistant starch. Spinach insert The spinach insert is a la española enriched with sweetened tomato pieces that make everything very “supply”. Fresh baby spinat and tomatoes are only briefly gedified and slightly tasted with garlic. Here too, my wife spices with salt and pepper to meet her taste. Dorada a la plancha con patatas romero y ensalada The Dorade is perfectly grilled and tastes very good. The skin is crispy grilled, the top two folded halves are slightly spicy. It's a light thing to release the strong middle bones. The rosemary potatoes, besides rosemary, also with parsley, are swung with the shell in olive oil and slightly browned. A matching and tasty supplement to the Dorade. The servicemen ask for our satisfaction, and we let them know that it has tasted us well. When asking for a post, my love cannot resist, although we both have a “plenus venter”. But such a chocolate with liquid core... so the order for a • Pastel de chocolate (hot chocolate cake with walnut and cream cap, €5.90 goes out. My Dorade wants to swim, so I order a • line Aquavit (2,90 € . Esperando el pastel, and the time passes, the service forces drag court around court from the kitchen, the terrace is now well occupied. It takes a whole while not adapted for cakes and digestif until the sweet temptation and the perseverance are on our table. Pastel de chocolate But waiting was worth it. The chocolate cake tops the expectations of my loved ones: warm, fluffy, with delicate melted core, complemented by the ice cream with thick walnut pieces and the not so sweet cream. Perfecto! Aquavit Contrary to the often usual type of serving in the iced glass, the Aquavit is cooled under room temperature, but not served in the deeply tempered Aquavit glass. So my Dorade gets more of the aroma. We let our young jovial man know that dessert was very, yes very tasty. In general: With the performance of the kitchen we are more than satisfied, four stars. The cleanliness tables, cutlery and dishes are clean and the terrace is well maintained. We weren't in the guest room and not in the toilets. We also do not know whether the menage – wooden pepper and salt mill – which we have requested in retrospect, has been treated according to the current hygiene rules. Therefore, the assessment of cleanliness remains open. The price-performance ratio service and kitchen performance are quite okay except for small items. There is nothing to complain about at the prices. They are partly below local level. On the one hand, it is surprising to read gastronomics, which reach a great deal after the third Corona wave. The short full score therefore seems appropriate to us in terms of price-performance ratio, four and a half stars. We liked the evening in Bonneria. The restaurant is worth a visit, and we also recommend it. Complete note good, and nos vemos de nuevo!"