"In conclusion of my statement, I said to me that, in the attack, a VAT Bar and the Chinese Women's Service started to carry out the vehicle and referred to the telephone numbers of closed VAT tickets. I am disappointed that this is not a telephone number, and I am VAT. She then said that we eat for five years, who had failed to see you, and I had first received VAT. You are the authenticity of the tax arsenal or tax taxes? The meals provide a receipt of VAT, a good day, some of which do not have VATs, but the owner requires iron. This is not enough? I saw for the first time that invoices are not given. I would also like to continue to follow her interpretation of her obligations as a restaurant to provide invoices, and you are not a legitimate commercial room, who are directly confronted with “the disease I face”, and I do have three times the luxury goods. It is my understanding that you have no common ground with your new border, but that is your exporter of men who are not truly sick service providers? Allow me to know that, if we know, two bottlenecks we have experienced do not have access to water, that we have no more than half of what we have done, and that you are heads of prisons? I feel that I have been criticized? The two-headed water was taken to you before you were taken to the restaurants? I really know that this service attitude. Responsibility and darkness."