
Lübeck, a charming city known for its medieval architecture, is famous for its marzipan, a sweet almond confection enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.



Krähenstraße 34, 23552 Lübeck, Luebeck, Germany

Getränke • Asiatisch • Koreanisch • Spezialitäten

"Lange Zeit konnte das „onni“ in der Mühlenstraße für sich beanspruchen, das einzige rein koreanische Restaurant in Lübecks Altstadt Gastronomie zu sein. Seit 2020 versucht das kleine Lokal „Hana“ gleich am Beginn der Krähenstrasse direkt am Mühlenteich hier eine zweite Alternative zu bieten. So ganz stimmt das mit der Übersetzung von „Hana“ mit „einzigartig“ in Bezug auf koreanische Restaurants in Lübeck also nicht, aber kulinarisch kann natürlich trotzdem etwas besonderes geboten werden. ; Ob sich dies bewahrheiten und es dankt auch tatsächlich eine lohnenswerte Alternative ist, wollte ich bei einem kurzen Besuch direkt einmal selber ausprobieren. Hinsichtlich der Gastraumgrösse steht es dem „onni“ in Sachen „klein und schnucklig“ schon einmal in nichts nach. Im rechten Winkel verteilen sich hier etwa 5 Tischpartien um die Theke/Bar. Die meisten Imbisse und Bäckereien haben wohl ein größeres Platzangebot, sodass sich hier wohl ein anhaltender Reservierungsfluss etabliert hat, der dem Lokal bis heute die Existenz ermöglicht: ein durchaus gutes Vorzeichen. An der Bar kann man natürlich auch auf dementsprechenden Hockern Platz nehmen. In den warmen Monaten bietet der kleine Gehwegplatz links vom Lokal noch Platz für einfaches Kunststoff Mobiliar, dass die winzige Gastkapazität vom Innenraum aber glatt verdoppeln könnte. Auch im „Hana“ zeigt sich das Interieur von einer sehr schlichten, kubisch und schnörkellos geformten Seite ohne großartige Dekoration außer ein paar Topfpflanzen . Das ist für mich aber nicht negativ zu sehen, da man sich als Gast in dem ohnehin schon kleinen Raum nicht noch zusätzlich eingeengt fühlt. So hat man für diesen kleinen Raum meiner Meinung nach das richtige Ambiente erschaffen, dass den Gast die gebotenen Köstlichkeiten genießen lässt. Im Hintergrund lief junge koreanische Musik, zu der die Servicedame lustigerweise auch leise mit trällerte [was ich niedlich fand ; , die aber auf Dauer zwar etwas anstrengend, aber nicht zu laut eingestellt oder eintönig war. Das die Toilette im Untergeschoss zu finden ist, verwundert angesichts des schon kleinen Gastraumes weniger, sei aber natürlich trotzdem erwähnt. Wie auch im Gastraum ließen sich Zustand und Sauberkeit aber nicht bemängeln. Der Service lag zu meiner Besuchszeit in der Hand von einer jungen koreanischen Frau. Ich wurde nicht nur gleich mit einem Lachen begrüßt, sondern auch darüberhinaus strahlte sie schöne Freundlichkeit aus. Meine Fragen und Bestellung wurden von ihr stets verstanden, sodass die Sprachbarriere also nicht im Weg stand. Zudem war sie für mein gewohnt häufigen kulinarischen Fragen zu der Speise stets offen und fragte gern beim Koch nach. Zusätzliche Gastfreundlichkeit bewies man im „Hana“ zudem dadurch, dass mir auch ein unten noch einmal erläuterter Wunsch in Abweichung zur Speisekarte gewährt wurde. Auch sie trug also zur guten Gastlichkeit bei. So klein wie der Gastraum zeigt sich auch der Umfang der Speisekarte. So passt diese tatsächlich auf nur eine DINA4 Seite einer weiteren für Getränke und bedarf damit nicht mehr als einem einlaminierten Blatt mit Vorder und Rückseite. Der Fokus liegt klar nur auf der koreanischen Küche und rückt auch hier nur die für den Koch relevantesten Klassiker ins Licht. Angesichts dessen ist ein höherer Erwartungswert hinsichtlich Frische und Qualität doch durchaus berechtigt. Nach zwei Vorspeisen und vor einem nur als „Tagesdessert“ genannten süßen Teil hat man bei den Hauptgerichten die Wahl aus folgenden Speisen, die stets obligatorisch mit Reis, einer Suppe und drei Tagesbeilagen serviert werden. Hühnchen steht bei frittiertem „Korean Chicken“ mit einer Wahl aus drei Soßen und beim „Dakgalbi“ als scharf mariniertem Fleisch mit verschiedenem Gemüse im Vordergrund. Beim weltbekannten Reis Gericht „Bibimbap“ steht dem Gast auch noch die Wahl von Tofu als Fleischalternative zur Verfügung, während „Jabche“ Gemüse mit koreanischen Süsskartoffel Nudeln kombiniert und somit von Haus aus vegetarisch ist. All diese Hauptspeisen bewegen sich preislich dabei in einem moderaten Rahmen zwischen 16 20 €. Mein persönliches Interesse weckte eine der beiden Vorspeisen. „Ttoeok Kkochi“ wurden für 6 € als kleine koreanische Reiskuchen in Chili Soße angepriesen. Einzigartig war dieses Angebot schon einmal, denn im „onni“ konnte ich es nicht auf der Speisekarte entdecken. Da mein Hunger für ein Hauptgericht zu gering, der Appetit für diese Vorspeise allein aber zu groß war, fragte ich zudem, ob ich die obligatorischen Beilagen dieser auch zu den Reisküchlein extra ordern könnte. Erfreulicherweise wurde mir dies gern erfüllt und der Aufpreis von nur einem mickrigen € ist dabei nicht nur PLV sondern auch Servicemässig nochmal ein Extralob wert. Nach 15 Minuten durfte ich mich dann also über folgendes hermachen. Zwei Spieße mit jeweils 4 der Würstchen artigen Reisküchlein kündigten durch ihre knallrot leuchtende Chilisoßen Glasur ein pikantes Geschmackserlebnis zumindest an. Mit dem Messer ließen sie sich eher schwer zerteilen, hatten sie doch eine eher festere, gummiartige Konsistenz. Die Servierung auf Spießen zum Abbeißen ohne Besteck machte also absolut Sinn. Für das Kauwerk war die Konsistenz dann aber keineswegs eine zähe Zumutung. Es mutete schon fast eher wie kerniges Fleisch an, natürlich ohne die Faserigkeit. Trotzdem sorgte die somit längere Aufenthaltsdauer im Mund dafür, dass sich die Marinade ordentlich entfalten konnte. Die Reisküchlein an sich waren, wie man es z.B. von den japanischen Mochi kennt, eher geschmacksneutral. Doch die „Glasur“ hatte es wirklich aromatisch in sich. Damit meine ich gar nicht die erwartete Schärfe, die ganz angenehm für den deutschen Gaumen dosiert war. Eine Grundwürze, die klar Soja vermuten ließ, hatte einen süßlichen Touch, der in asiatischen Gerichten ja auch nichts fremdes ist. Das wahrlich einzigartige womit wir nochmal bei der „Hana“ Übersetzung wären ergab sich durch eine 4. Aromenkomponente: einer an BBQ erinnernden Rauchigkeit. All diese Facetten waren so gut ausbalanciert, dass nichts anderes als Wohlgeschmack entstehen konnte. Ja, für mich war das schon vor allem etwas spannendes neues, aber auch einzigartiges. Die in kleinen Schälchen servierten koreanischen Beilagen umfassten ein Viererlei. Obligatorisch begann dieser natürlich mit „Kimchi“, also der weltbekannten, fermentierten Kohlzubereitung. Dieser überzeugte schon einmal mit schönem Biss, sowie vor allem mit der typischen Schärfe, die aber sehr angenehm dosiert daherkam. Feine Streifen von Kohlrabi mit etwas schwarzem Sesam waren nicht nur knackig, sondern reinigten die Geschmacksknospen auch mit einer frischen Säure. In der dritten Schale ließen auch die Stücke entkernter Gurke mit etwas Karottenraspeln eine frische Knackigkeit nicht vermissen. Auch diese Kleinigkeit überraschte wieder mit einer geschmacklichen Eigenständigkeit, die hier durch eine Marinade aus Sojasauce und vor allem geröstetem Sesamöl eine besondere nussig salzige Geschmacksverbindung erzeugte. Abgeschlossen wurden die Beilagen mit einer Suppe, die ebenfalls rein vegetarisch blieb, denn es handelte sich hierbei um eine Gemüsebrühe mit gestocktem Eiklar und nicht Hähnchenfetzen, wie ich erst dachte. Als warme Komponente fügte das den Beilagen den noch fehlenden Part bei, der diesen Reigen zu einem wirklich vielfältigen Begleiter machte, auf den ich nicht hätte verzichten wollen. Im Fazit muss ich zur Bewertung natürlich auch den Vergleich zum bisherigen „Platzhirsch“ in Lübecks koreanischer Gastronomie namens „onni“ ziehen. Rein atmosphärisch nehmen sich beide Lokale für mich nichts und machen mit schlichter, aber moderner Einrichtung das Beste aus dem begrenzten Platzangebot, welches hier im „Hana“ ja nochmals deutlich kleiner ausfällt. So hat es sich das liebevoll gemeinte Prädikat „schnucklig“ absolut verdient. Theoretisch ermöglicht diese geringe Gastkapazität eine individuellere und aufmerksame Serviceleistung. Bei diesem Besuch wurde ersteres bereits durch die Erfüllung meines Beilagen Extras zu meiner bestellten Vorspeise erfüllt. Darüber hinaus erzeugte die Freundlichkeit und zugewandte Offenheit der jungen Frau auch in mir nichts als Fröhlichkeit. Kulinarisch bewies mir das Team des „Hana“ bei all den von mir verköstigten Kleinigkeiten, dass man hier wirklich etwas in Lübeck einzigartiges erhalten kann. Nicht nur die kleinen Reisküchlein in ihrer Marinade, sondern selbst die in deutscher Küche häufig eher zweitrangigen Beilagen präsentierten so viele Facetten, die in der Gesamtheit aber sowohl in Geschmack, als auch Konsistenz fein abgestimmt und ausbalanciert waren. 6 € für die Vorspeise und nur ein symbolischer € für die extra Beilagen waren somit vielleicht vorrangig keine Sättigungsinvestition, aber mehr als lohnend für die geschmackliche Reise in sonst ganz ungewohnte Welten. Zurecht hat sich das „Hana“ für mich also als zweites, koreanisches Restaurant in der Innenstadt bis heute gehalten und für mich qualitativ dabei keine Abstriche im Vergleich zum „onni“ gezeigt. Viel mehr ist es im Gegensatz zum nun doch sehr trubeligen Verwandten in der belebten Mühlenstrasse auch jetzt noch als kleiner Geheimtipp anzupreisen und bietet koreanische Kost, die man bisher nur hier findet. Das „Hana“ darf sich also gerne „einzigartig“ und dabei noch gut nennen."



An Der Untertrave 51 23552 Luebeck, Germany

Terrasse • Raum Zum Feiern • Warme Mahlzeiten • Familienfreundlich

"For the second evening in Lübeck, I had already reserved a table in the catch. Already in my research on the net, this restaurant came into question and was decisive then NoTeaForMe's recommendation: In my opinion, the best fish for me is being prepared in a “fresh”. And to say it in advance: That's exactly how it was, catching fresh is really a good catch for Lübeck and his guests! In the afternoon, we had a look outside. The ambience and also the view of the menu on the homepage have already addressed us very much and we were looking forward to the evening. At 6:00 p.m. we were there and were very friendly and cordially received by a young lady who dedicated himself to the Corona rules and then led us to our reserved table. The design of the restaurant is young and modern, cozy and beautifully simple, but furnished with a lot of love, a little retro, a bit of bistro, a bit of industrial design. The tables far enough apart, all pieksauber, a total of an informal atmosphere. The menu with fish dishes is small but fine and the offers can be found on a DIN-A-4 page, which is presented on a clamping board. Our obligatory drinks (still water soft wheat for 3 € and 5 € we could order immediately. In retrospect, I regret that I did not try the local Moinsen beer. Although we had only one side in front of us, the selection was hard. Everything sounded appetizing, tempting, promising. We both decided and ordered a portion of cucumber salad. The sweet potatoes fries are a nice offer, but not necessarily something for us. We didn't have to wait long for our food. This looked very appetizing, very plentiful and very tasty. The Big Backfish in 2 parts The saliva flow came clearly in motion through the overall large portion, without a buckling taste, the Remoulade and the cucumber salad in separate vessels. The big baked fish in 2 parts The big baked fish, these were two parts of the cod, beautiful white, solid meat, perfectly spiced, perfectly cooked to the point and covered by really crispy pastry that had not sucked full with fat. This wonderfully baked dough kept the fish hot for quite a long time, and so it must be. The chef seems to have the perfect recipe for this beardy. My friend and I were in one opinion: the best baked fish we have eaten for ever! The cucumber salad was just according to our taste, a simple and gripping strong vinegar oil dressing with some dill and little onions, very refreshing and crisp. And despite winter time, the cucumber salad tasted to Gurke! The remoulad sauce for the fish could not have been better, according to the in-house recipe, based on mayonnaise, nevertheless light, with everything that belongs to the classic recipe and harmoniously matched, simply delicious! Nothing left of it! The small salad dressing on the plate is very diverse, all fresh and crisp, with a vinegar oil dressing. The rustic fries stayed quite long hot, inside easy, outside crispy. Overall, it was very clear that high-quality regional and/or sustainable products are used. Prices may appear high to one or the other, but quality speaks for itself! The dishes are definitely worth the price! The philosophy of the house straight, honest, just henseatic. High-quality, fresh products from the region and lots of fun at work! is really well implemented here. A young, very capable team understands to convince its guests culinary. And all do this with passion and lightness, paired with personality and perfectionism. An attentive service that was always present! It is cooked here with craftsmanship, lots of creativity, heart and quality. And you taste that! You feel comfortable and enjoy! Not only a recommendation from NoTeaForMe, but also from me!"

Mani In Pasta

Mani In Pasta

Moenkhofer Weg 42, 23562, Luebeck, Germany

Pizza • Pasta • Italienisch • Mittagessen

"Directly in the times of the Corona crisis, the “Mani in Pasta” with a new opening in the St. Jürgen district initially tried, of course, only as a take-away with an extension of the local gastro offer to an authentic Italian cuisine. This attempt has not yet been successful, but it has also been possible to save yourself by the deep Corona winter 20/21 and also expand its offer with a delivery service. So for me it was high time to make myself an image of the quality offered here. Look at the counter. Interior with a small seat. In the rooms of the Mani in Pasta, there have often been the owner of changing bakeries. Accordingly, the room design and the space offer are also significantly limited compared to a classic restaurant. The counter remained of course and today serves primarily as a cashier or Pick-up station for the Take Away business. At the same time, however, it has also been decided to completely dedicate the remaining interior to the above mentioned delivery service business and thus make it a separate “pizza factory” so that the gastronomic area is completely limited to the outside seat. Outside view. With the stones designed in the colours of the Italian flag, I find it definitely good to distinguish them from the rest of the sidewalk. It gives guests a little more rest from the normal passer-by stream and at the same time truly serves as a eye-catcher. This in winter should not be possible on site or only for the really hard-boiled, which also does not deter winter temperatures shows that the take-away and the delivery service could well build up a good foothold, that already in the Corona-Lockdown proved so well that one makes it the main concept. On the day of my visit, this great March weather would definitely have been enough for the outdoors. Nevertheless, I was able to stay on a small wall table with bar stools for my short arrival this early evening in the warmer inner area, which was completely enough for me. 3 employees were on site at this time. I ordered directly at the Tresen, where an older lady welcomed me in German. She also took over the communication with the two, apparently, owners who were full blood Italians. The warm season is also served in the square on the open-air seat, but as mentioned this time I was not necessary. Despite a noticeably tight pace and ordering in the delivery service and take-away, the lady mentioned acted organized and gave me their attention. In the further course, she was also interested in small talk with her colleagues. The team secured a very big advantage through its openness and spontaneity, which it met with regard to my special desire to change a food, which I will explain in more detail below. An Italian-emotional hospitality that was not a uniform show, but just honest. The menu is divided in the Mani in Pasta as follows. The focus here is actually less on what we would understand as a pasta, but on what can be made of the literal translation of this word dough in the oven. A huge selection of pizza, pinsa, foccacia, freselle or also puccia will satisfy every friend of this kind of Italian dishes his favorite desire. Nevertheless, the main dishes can also be used to choose pasta dishes and lasagna versions. Despite this very clear core competence, I chose a dish from the field of appetizers, which, in addition to typical anti-pasti, also contains salads. I was very pleased that I was given an extra wish for the Insalata di Tacchino, a great service that I had already mentioned in the section on the previous one. Originally, this salad variant consists of leaf salads, red onions, tomatoes and olives in a honey-senf dressing from the so frequently encountered but equally painless turkey strips. However, if I have been with the “authentic” Italian, I would like to taste something special from the cuisine of this country. The South Tyrolean bacon, which came as a covering for some dough dishes, is my greatest interest. And in fact, the team liked to fulfill this individual idea and thus prepared the salad as “Insalata di Speck Alto Adige” in the small portion for € 6.4 as follows. Despite the above-mentioned, unfortunate delivery business for the early evening, I didn't have to wait 10 minutes. “Insalata di Tacchino”: from mixed leaf salads, red onions, tomatoes, on my request South Tyrolean bacon instead of turkey strips and olives in a honey-senf dressing; small portion. Suitable for mixing in a small bowl lay on a bed of crisp iceberg salad cuts of radicchio, carrots, cucumber and tomatoes. In between, the annon-clad olives found space as well as red onion pieces and ruccola. The honey-senf dressing was already draped in a suitable amount, so that the true crowning in the form of 5 slices of the South Tyrolean Speck could be the crowning completely undisturbed. And he was tasteful for me too. This unique, salty Umami put the hoped kick on the already good base of the salad. Its components were all fresh and crisp and prepared so cheerful “nabber fun”. The honey-senf dressing was also positively attentive to itself. It was built on a creamy, yogurt-like basis, leaving an acid but not missing. Aromatic mustard, also visible as coarse grains, was clearly noticeable and brought into good balance with honey sweets. Truly a dressing that raises the salad and yet so discreet that the highlight of the South Tyrolean bacon has never been displaced for me. A few thin slices of Foccacia showed a great pore and thus fluffiness. They would have accompanied the salad perfectly if they had been a bit warm. But that was anyway an addition that I didn't expect and did no break at all to the great overall impression of this little appetizer. Their order has been fully rewarded for me, as you will notice. The 6,4€, which, despite the change to the original variant, remained the same with turkey in the South Tyrolean bacon, I liked to increase with tips. The “Mani in Pasta” left a positive impression at this truly short and small premiere. The kindness and great openness secure a high score for me at the service. The ambience in the mentioned minimal interior area is of course barely valueable, but nevertheless came over worth and the design of the exterior seat is also refreshingly different. Finally, this little salad appetizer of the short visit already filled me with all that I had hoped for. A fresh base with aromatic dressing wore my desired product highlight of the South Tyrolean Speck simply super and justified its price. I don't think it's wrong that Italian new openings usually don't give me an equal chance, but it's too often the case that you meet a "handling kitchen" that is purely for the purpose of winning. However, the “Mani in Pasta” makes a pleasant difference with its offer and has now also witnessed the first personal tryout for me that it actually represents an enrichment of the local culinary selection."

Masala Darbar

Masala Darbar

Aegidienstraße 4-6, 23552, Luebeck, Germany

Käse • Fisch • Indisch • Mittagessen

"Korean and Italian gastronomy in the centre of Lübeck I had already presented you as a country kitchen. Of course there are also Indian cuisine on the Old Town Island, where Masala Darbar has remained very positive from July 2018. Many different small restaurants have already seen these premises in the Aegidienstraße in recent years, which have usually kept very short. With the “Masala Darbar” the Indian cuisine has now settled there, which speaks to me personally from its aromas. Outside view. With the interior design you have definitely put yourself in the stuff. Very cozy and with oriental flair feel Do not look like a typical little snack. Interior view. The very friendly, open and communicative (problemless German staff has contributed to the welfare atmosphere. Also worth mentioning is the extended lunch offer: This card is valid from 12 17 and even on weekends. The Indian cuisine tells me a lot with its very intensive and varied use of spices and flavors (on high sharpness, on the other hand I can personally dispense more; . These flavors nevertheless give vegetarian dishes a strong taste that usually comes less in the kitchens of many other countries without meat or fish. So my expectation and hope was that one would also experience this joy in seasoning. On a Saturday noon I chose the famous “Palak Paneer Thali” with spinach and the Indian cheese for only 5.5 €. There was also a beautiful loose rice, a few naan bread, lentils, a small salad and a sweet piquant sauce. “Palak Paneer Thali” The presentation in a metal shell segmented to a canteen can initially irritate. But that's exactly what makes a Thali food in India. Although this does not seem more noble for our feelings, I can still gain the advantage that you can try out the individual components for yourself and then combine them with your own gusto. The spinach mixed with the cheese was, as hoped, so-called spiced and thus not blown away. I also liked the two sauces that were very interested with their sweet, but also acidic and stingy note. Here too, the young gentleman was open to my demand and told me that it was a mango and also a plum sauce. I even got a proposal. This vegetarian dish was definitely successful and above all the sauce combination will remain in good memory. The size of the part was certainly somewhat clear, given the price of 5.5€ at the time, but appropriate. At the courts outside the lunch card they should be a little bigger. With me, the “Masala Darbar” has made a really good impression and is a successful Indian restaurant/bistro for me. In contrast to the former locals it was still held today, which certainly also speaks for the popularity and acceptance of Lübecker and tourists."

Nui Ramenbar

Nui Ramenbar

An Der Untertrave 110, 23552 Lübeck, Luebeck, Germany

Sushi • Japanisch • Die Suppe • Mittagessen

"At the beginning of April 2018 the Nui Ramenbar opened directly at the Untertrave in a visual axis to the Holstentor as a depositor of the already existing Nui Sushibar . This gave and now, for the first time in Lübeck, there was a possibility to taste this Japanese **** national dish: of course, I had to go immediately. A staircase leads to the guest room of the really small restaurant, while the toilets are in the basement. An elevator unfortunately did not find any space in this old building, which unfortunately limits the suitability for the disabled. Exterior sites are also available. The guest room itself is decorated in purple and white and welcoming. The bar really only includes a beverage bar, which is connected to the kitchen to the rear. To my visit in April 2018 during the noon time, the guest room was almost full, with fortunately a table at the large sofa bench could be offered to me. It was, of course, somewhat narrower than in a large room restaurant, but I did not feel it as a depressing one. Since this is probably a smaller place for short periods of stay, during my visit, which was also only managed by a gentleman, the service was limited to serving, cleaning and paying. This was done friendly, but also without noticeable cordiality or great attention. In addition to the mentioned ramens, similar to the main restaurant, additional different Asian dishes and also sushi are offered. I personally came to the same-named bar because of the ramen and chose the “Udon Shio” which were served with thick Udon noodles, chicken, egg, leek, soy sprouts, Nori, carrot, Soi Sam Art Pak Choi and Tongu, and Enoki mushrooms. “Udon Shio Ramen”: Udon noodles, chicken, egg, leek, soybean sprouts, nori, carrot, soi Sam and Tongu, as well as Enoki mushrooms. Even after less than 10 minutes, the hot steaming soup was on the table before me. So, for a lunch break, a return here is really suitable if you also get a place. The chicken meat was contained in an appealing amount, but if it could have been a bit more delicate and more juicy was probably classically boiled to death. However, due to the use as a soup insert, this did not seem too negative. The vegetables were crisp and fresh, but I would have liked to be included in a slightly larger amount. The dish was of course dominated by the thicker Udon noodles and the broth. The former had a pleasant bite and gave the court such a good fullness. In broth, I would have liked a little more tasteful intensity. Of course, you can also consider it positive, it seems to confirm the motto of the place without glutamate. Nevertheless, I felt the Umami degree here somewhat lower than in a good meat broth. This certainly takes everyone else, but I had to help with something soy sauce. Nevertheless, the ramen soup was quite a round-tasting thing, even if not a highlight. I also experienced the same in July 2018 when I wanted to try the restaurant again and chose the “Ramen Wantan”. Ramen Wantan : thin noodles with dough pockets with shrimp filling, with added cloth, soy sprouts, enoki mushrooms, carrots, nori, soi Sam and egg. In contrast to the Udon variant, these were made of thinner noodles, as well as Wantan dough pockets with shrimp filling, with rags, soy sprouts, enoki mushrooms, carrots, Nori, Soi Sam and, on my request, egg. The Wantans were used here in a non-fried form, they would have been softened in the soup anyway. Better, however, would I have wished to fill the shrimps, which were quite low in taste and in which I would have liked more freshness of the seafood. This time, however, the vegetable insert was present in more than sufficient quantity and had the same quality as the first visit. Unfortunately, there was no change in the rather low aroma of broth compared to visit No. 1 I was very happy when I heard about the opening of the Ramenbar, as I am always very open to any culinary change and news. During my visits, the Nui Ramenbar did not disappoint my anticipation, but for the reasons described, no storms of enthusiasm were triggered. Above all, more aromatic Umami depths, e.g. in broth, are characterized by Japanese cuisine and should also be more lovingly lived here. The service should also be more warm. ; Nevertheless, it is certainly worth a return for everyone who has not yet tried this classic Japanese cuisine."