Miranda de Ebro
El Vagón

El Vagón

Estación, 80-82 BAJO. 09200. Miranda de Ebro, BURGOS, Spain

Pez • Carne • Español • Cocina Vasca

"The images we had seen prior to deciding on this place...were a bit confusing. In some you could see a super nice wagon and in others... a restaurant that we could classify as normal . After seeing the good reviews this restaurant had, we called to make a reservation. When we got to the street where the restaurant is located, we could see the wagon. We had reserved Friday for 10:30 p.m. and we arrived at 10:15 p.m. and we observed that there were no people dining inside the carriage and we thought... well, maybe today we can 't dine in the beautiful carriage. This is outside the hotel and next to what is the restaurant premises. You have to enter the hotel and at the back...is the normal restaurant. When we saw that there was only another couple having dinner and no one in the car...we already assumed that...it would not be possible to eat in the car. But... upon arrival... I asked one of the waiters who was the first to receive us, if it was possible to have dinner on the train. It was super nice to hear that there was no problem for it. The waiter was super friendly and told us that since there were almost no people, the car was closed but... that they had it available anyway. There were two waiters and one could serve us on the train without any problem. It was a pleasure to hear this and hoping not to cause any inconvenience (due to the inconvenience of being only two people on the train that is outside the premises) we decided to have dinner in the carriage... and what a great success. It is a super original idea. The attention of the staff was unbeatable. It is a pleasure to deal with such an attentive service and so knowledgeable about their work. The delicious food. It was an excellent evening. Finally, let them know that they have 6 tables in the train car, so when they make the reservation they must specify that it is where they want to dine and... as they say in more reviews... don 't hesitate to have the french toast It 's delicious"



Calle Juan Ramon Jimenez 19, 09200, Miranda de Ebro, Spain

Queso • Carne • Ensaladas • Hamburguesa

"TURNO DE LAS 23:00h. Por lo general todo bien. Pero hubo 2 detalles que no me gustaron en absoluto. Cenamos en el turno de las 23:00. Y pedimos para compartir unos entrantes fríos (carpaccio y tartán y una burguer para cada uno. Estaban tardando más de lo normal, cuando nuestra sorpresa es que viene una camarera y nos dice que no tienen ningun plato frío de la carta para servirnos. Tuvimos que cambiar lo que habíamos pedido. Eran platos por los que exclusivamente habíamos ido a cenar allí, y los cambiamos por entrantes calientes . Nos pareció muy raro que después de pedir y esperar un largo tiempo (15-20 mins. nos dirían que no había platos fríos.... El segundo detalle que no me gustó en absoluto, fue que al concluir la cena (00:25 aprox. , después del postre, les pedimos café y nos dicen que ya tienen la máquina limpia, cuando todavía quedaban 3 o 4 cenas en la sala. Deberían esperar a que todo el mundo de la sala termine de cenar para limpiarla, o por lo menos, preguntar a los comensales si van a querer café. Y en caso de que una persona les dé una afirmación, esperar. Por lo demás, bien. El servicio bueno y la comida y las burger estaban muy bien. Pero tienen que controlar un poco lo del turno de las 23.00 para que todo esté a la altura. Han de tener la carta completa tanto en el turno de 21:00 como en el de 23:00, y tener la cafetera funcionando hasta que termine el último comensal."