"If you were to make a list of the most glamorous and oversubscribed dining spots in London, what would you include? The Ivy, Covent Garden stalwart and default shorthand for an exclusive celebrity hangout, is a shoe in. Ditto Scott 's in Mayfair, where if you manage to get a booking between the hours of 7 and 9 you are surely something above a mere mortal. There 's Sheeky 's, favoured of West End stars and a very lucky minority of their audiences, and perhaps also Le Caprice, somewhere that generally hides a good number of influential and famous notables behind its lace curtains. And all of the above, astonishingly, are run by the same people Caprice Holdings. If we are to measure a restaurant 's success on its popularity and I can 't think of a better way of doing it then surely they are doing something right. It 's all very well having the best food in Britain but if you can 't sell yourself, if you can 't make the whole package of visiting a restaurant an event , something desirable"