"Look, the food is good enough for takeaway standards, fine even. The problem is that even though I click Contact Free delivery and leave a note for contact free instructions.... the delivery driver ignores these requests! Once they ring that they have arrived, they demand that I come outside to pick up my delivery, then get pissy if I remind them to leave it on the doorstep. We 're currently in a pandemic, Pizza R Us clearly don 't care though, because their delivery driver treats social distancing like it 's a joke. He just wants to follow work protocol and move onto the next stop. There 's no way I 'm getting delivery service again from this place, if their delivery driver is going to continue to have this kind of unprofessional arrogant behavior. I advise Pizza R Us to retrain him, because he does NOT respect public health during the coronavirus. I also hope that the delivery driver doesn 't snub my criticism in this review, waving it off as over-dramatic to clear his conscience, because he 's a grown man, and should learn to be an adult. Don 't enjoy your job? Work somewhere else! Don 't take out your misery on innocent customers simply wanting a pizza in quarantine, yeesh."