"If you love and I mean LOVE meat, then this is the place for you! Hence the title Carnivore 's Delight. We were here as a semi-large group on a tour from Rome to Calabria. A.K.A. Eating your way from Rome to Calabria . Before we disembarked one of our travel guides wisely set up the region with the mantra Embrace the meat people! This to a bunch of mainly 50+er 's looking to cut that sort of thing out of our diets. She was right! The cuts of lamb, sausages, and pork were all done to perfection, as were the potatoes and swiss chard. The grilled veggies were ok and we were grateful to have them. While we were there the chef butchered to order steaks for a table of local businessmen. I had to pull my hubby back at this point. His inner Neanderthal man was winning the battle over his Metrosexual modern-day man. This could have gotten ugly fast if we hadn 't eaten before he saw this! Lucky, we had just finished. I 'll wrap it up by saying that the meat is reminiscent of my youth before industrialized farms took over our taste buds and killed all the flavor. Bittersweet: Glad I went down memory lane and in Italy to boot, just sad that I had to come back to North America and supermarket offerings. This trip has spurred me on to find real food here in our own region. Wish me luck!"
All prices are estimates on menu.