"If most people 's exposure to vegan food is this, then I understand why it is so denigrated. Do I feel insulted? Yes, yes I do. I payed £35 for what ended up being, regrettably, the worst meal I think we 've ever had. My partner and I ordered two smoothies that were so watery and had so little flavour that a bottle of flavoured water would have satisfied us more. There was a tiny tray, yes a small baking tray not a plate or anything, of maybe a handful of practically raw chips and I counted 20 crumb sized pieces of quorn chicken style stuff on them. When I say raw, I mean raw too, literally uncooked. A tiny piece of bland avacado toast , that being that it really wasn 't that toasted and more waved in the direction of a radiator. And when I say tiny I mean it wasn 't even the size of a slice from a normal loaf. The final nail was the soup, spiced lentil soup that was worse than if I 'd bought a cuppa soup and made it with dishwater. I cannot stress enough the fact that the soup was so watery and devoid of flavour that I think if I 'd put a stock cube in a mug of water, it would have made a more enjoyable meal. Even worse again was that the toast that came with it was so firmly un-toasted and such bad bread that cardboard may have been an improvement. Nothing was seasoned, at all, not with salt, not with pepper, and with no discernable spices whatsoever apart from vague chilli heat in the soup. When I asked for salt and pepper I was given two of those small sachets that don 't have enough for a cracker let alone a bland bowl of bland soup. And is it not bad that the metal of the spoon was the predominant flavour? I 've been vegan on and off for years now for a multitude of reasons, and between cooking on my own and eating elsewhere I have had many many different types of completely vegan food that is fun and exciting, interesting and tasty, and from lots of different regions of the planet; I know that vegan food can be not just good, but great. Sadly, what 's on offer here doesn 't even come close to any of that and is in fact worse than anything I 've ever had before, and hopefully worse than anything I 'll ever have again. While I commend the half-friendly atmosphere and attempt at making the place feel warm and welcoming, there has clearly been an amount of effort put in, I have come away feeling scammed, and quite frankly angry. I 'm upset and angry enough that it has made me write the first restaurant review of my life for example, it really was that bad. You know when you see something like Gordan Ramseys Kitchen nightmares and really, genuinely wonder how anyone can be that incompetent, inept and incapable of making even remotely decent food and a comfortable environment, and you can 't possibly think that those places exist... Well yes they do and this is my first encounter with one of them, and I got charged at least double what I should have in the process. To say that the experience felt cheap, disappointing and offensive is an understatement, it really really is. When most places now offer at least a handful of vegan options, places like this that claim to make tasty vegan food really, really need to do better. They do vegans and veganism as a whole a disservice by being this poor quality and disingenuous. Within literally a few seconds walk from here, there are off the top of my head alone at least 6 genuinely wonderful places to eat and drink with exceptional vegan options that will have you wanting to go back again and again, and that 's what I 'd encourage you to do. Avoid the pretenders and the half-assed attempts like this and go and have something you 'll genuinely enjoy for half the price."