Al Casale Bellavista

Al Casale Bellavista

➤ Bredeneyer Straße 183, 45133, Werden, Germany

Fisch • Suppe • Pasta • Fleisch

"the restaurant was a tipp of my swager and that doesn't actually give any tips for restaurants. the larger the surprise: an original Italian restaurant and no mediocre pizzeria. everything is fresh and prepared. nothing tasted after bought-in finished product. on the way from the house: olive, which were tasteful, not daring. the inlaid tomatoes were fruity. the brot was fluffy white bread, sliced freshly roasted. We had ordered a mixed, cold appetizer plate, where everything was delicious: put mushrooms, aubergine and zucchini in slices, paprika, staudensellerie and other tasty, all fresh and crisp. 11€HAUPTGERICHT: besides the fixed menu there is also a tag map that is stylishly placed on a large, with chalk labeled, slanted table on the table. 20-25 small and large dishes from suppe over appetizers to meat,- fish and pastage. we both decided for pizza because I wanted to test if they could and they can! the most delicious pizza I have eaten in moniga at gardasee and it is the measure of all pizzas. from now on I have two measurements!!!The floor can only come from a stone oven. easy but not labbrig, but nice bite-resistant. you can take them into the hand or with knife and fork cut and pull them apart. classic floor covering with tomato and crumbs. the ordered salmon was generously distributed in large pieces, crawling and garlic sauce rounded off the maritime pizza. a dream! 11-12 €.At the next visit I will order from the tageskarte. price: good and fresh quality has its price yet there is also something for the lighter bag. the fish and the filet are already offered with over 25-30 €. but what I have seen is fresh and definitely of the best quality. ambiente operation: the Sicilian-stämmige family directs the local with tasteful, professional hand, but also sometimes "lovingly tattooed." to be fulfilled, ask satisfactorily beamed. the local is small but fine, bright and mediteran furnished. pictures and description on the web page. unfortunately there is still the menu. Otherwise, everything fits.If the after-growth is properly harvested, this could become a long-lasting love.Clear recommended who wants to be served original Italian and stylish."

Kruger's Landgasthaus Zum Hespertal

Kruger's Landgasthaus Zum Hespertal

➤ Hammer Str. 44, 45239 Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Werden

Bier • Pasta • Steak • Getränke

"we have landed here hungry after a long walk and have set ourselves directly into the beautiful beer garden. he was already well visited but we quickly got the menu and were asked for our drink request. my partner has ordered a freshly tapped wine and I wanted to test the homemade strawberry. when the drinks came, the friendly waiter took our order. as an appetizer we have ordered the lukewarm landbaguette with aioli and as a main dish of the special card the rumpsteak with the frame-cutters and the spareribs. as the appetizer came the baguette was really very fresh and warm. as the waiter told us the landbaguette is baked here itself. the aioli was great, but good that we shared them because there was plenty of garlic in there soon came our main dishes too. the rumpsteak was medium and super tender and totally delicious with the pfifferlings, the bratkartoffeln were as they should be. the spareribs of my friend not only looked delicious, but also have to have tasted really well, for he has spattered them in record time and left only the bare bones. In the meantime, I ordered a homemade limonade again, this time lemon estragon. that was just as delicious as the strawberry limo and once has been something quite different as these finished limonaden. because we were both well saturated, we shared a dessert. very bravely we ordered the lavender rosemary pannacotta and were positiw surprised that was so delicious. I don't think we were here for the last time. we give a point because it was very loud due to the passing motorcycles and that the cozyness of the beautiful beer garden a little cloudy."

Meat meet

Meat meet

➤ Rüttenscheider Str. 154, 45131, Werden, Germany

Fastfood • Mexikaner • Europäisch • Vegetarier

"Nachdem wir schon viel gehört hatten, probierten wir das Meat Meet endlich aus. Ohne Reservierung an einem Freitag Abend, dennoch hatten wir Glück und bekamen einen Tisch im fast komplett besetzten Lokal. Es ist schon arg laut dort und ein hektisches Gewusel, aber ein Kellner war zügig zur Stelle und richtete uns den Tisch her. Die Weinkarte machte auf uns einen sehr merkwürdigen Eindruck - kein roter Faden, einfach "zufällig" irgendwelche Weine zusammengestellt, oder soll das durchdacht sein? Es gibt nichtssagende billige Weine (sorry), und dann kommt ein Vega Sicilia Valbuena 1999 (sofern ich mich recht erinnere für 180 oder 190 EUR, aber durchaus ein akzeptabler Preis für einen Valbuena 99), aber dazwischen gibt es gar nichts zur Auswahl. Nun denn, da ich Valbuena mag, der Vintage interessant und die restlichen Weine für uns nicht in Frage kamen, bestellten wir einen Valbuena. Der Kellner nickte zur Bestellung des stillen Wassers und der Flasche Valbuena, ging fort. Wenige Minuten später kam er wieder und fragte: "Ihr wollt wirklich den Valbuena Wein, eine Flasche davon, ja?" und zeigt auf die Karte. Wir bejahten dies, wobei uns diese Nachfrage irritierte - denn es gab nur den einen Valbuena auf der Karte und auch nur als Flasche und nicht glasweise im Angebot. Kellner ging nach dieser Rückversicherung wieder weg. Fünf Minuten später kommt ein anderer Herr an unseren Tisch mit Weingläsern, der Flasche Wasser und der Flasche Valbuena. Nach einer freundlichen Begrüßung fragte dieser Herr ebenfalls, ob wir wirklich die Gäste seien, die den Valbuena bestellt hätten. Ja, wir wären das. In Ordnung, erleichterte Miene und er machte sich direkt ran, die Flasche zu öffnen. Fragte nach, ob wir den Wein dekantiert haben wollen und plauderte nett mit uns. Da saßen wir nun mit unserem Wasser und der Flasche Valbuena, und dort ließ man uns dann auch sitzen. Weder der "erste" Kellner, noch der "zweite" Herr kamen zu uns zurück. Das Lokal war proppevoll und neben uns eine große Gruppe (> 10 Personen). Dort nahm der Kellner dann die Essensbestellung auf und wir versuchten eine Weile leider vergeblich auf uns aufmerksam zu machen. Nachdem dies der Barmann hinter der Theke offenbar mitbekommen hatte, kam der Kellner nach ungefähr 15 Minuten wieder zu unserem Tisch zurück. Er entschuldigte sich mit "Haben Sie noch nichts bestellt? Es tut mir leid, ich dachte der Chef hat das aufgenommen, als er den Wein brachte." Kein Problem, kommunikatives Missverständnis. Der Hunger war bei uns mittlerweile sehr groß. Wir bestellten statt Vorspeisen beide direkt zwei Hauptspeisen mit diversen Beilagen. Letztere kosten alle extra - sowohl Saucen/Dips, wie auch Fritten oder Zwiebeln oder Coleslaw. Mein Mann bestellte Surf & Turf und ich einen Burger mit vegetarischem Patty und Pilzen. Unser Pech war es, dass die große Gruppe nebenan zuerst bestellt hatte und nun erst einmal die Küche beschäftigt war, 12 Burger für den Nachbartisch zu kochen. Wir warteten also knapp 60 Minuten auf unser Essen. Aber wir hatten ja den Valbuena ;-) Zu den Speisen: die Portionen sind sehr ordentlich. Ich war skeptisch bezüglich des vegetarischen Pattys, aber das war ein Monsterding mit gefühlt 300g Masse gepresst aus Kichererbsen und Blattspinat. Es war geschmacklich in Ordnung, allerdings für mein persönliches Empfinden etwas zu hart gepresst. Pilze waren auch OK, ebenfalls die Trüffelmayonaise und die Süßkartoffelfritten. Die Zwiebeln waren leider etwas fad, aber in Ordnung. Mit der Fleischqualität und auch vom Geschmack des Surf & Turf war mein Mann sehr zufrieden. Der Salat dazu war etwas traurig-einfallslos. Die von uns bestellten Dips zum Burger kamen leider nicht, wir haben dies aber auch nicht angemerkt (standen auch nicht auf der Rechnung). Alles in allem würde ich sagen, es ist in Ordnung. Ob wir wiederkommen, kann ich nicht sagen. Für uns durchschnittliches Essen, Preise ein kleines bisschen überzogen, aber nachvollziehbar. Weinkarte ist bei uns leider durchgefallen. Service war bemüht und auch freundlich, aber ziemlich im Stress in dem großen vollen Laden an dem Abend, und das Gewusel war uns persönlich etwas zu hektisch."



➤ Rüttenscheider Str. 159, 45131, Werden, Germany

Cafés • Steak • Europäisch • Meeresfrüchte

"This restaurant has been in business for a long time. The district of Ruettenscheid in Essen boasts lots of eating places, there is competition and I figured they must be doing something right.I went with a friend for dinner, the restaurant was not full, we got a nice table and we chose our food. My friend enjoyed her liver dish and I loved my steak on a skewer, a generous portion, the meat was cooked to perfection.The service was a disaster - and that alone will be a reason not to return (because there are dozens of other restaurants close by). The waiter went off before we had both said what we wanted (we wanted to change the accompanying vegetable), he had to be called back. We finished our food and nobody came to ask whether we wanted a dessert. We asked and we were told in a brusque manner that all the desserts were on the back of a card on the table - there was nothing apart from ice cream and when I told the waiter that I thought there were desserts on the menu, he said there was only one. We decided to pass and we ordered one regular coffee and a decaffinated capucchino. The waiter came with wo regular coffees, I declined and he told me they didn't serve what I had asked for - why couldn't he tell me ? He seemed angry to take it back. I made a comment that the service had not been good and I was told that he had not been there all the time and that there was no reason to become impertinent (German is my mother tongue, I had never been spoken to by a waiter in those terms). There was a long wait for the bill and no good-bye when we left (I guess that was related to the fact that we did not leave a tip, I don' think people should be paid for being unfriendly). So - yes, the food was good but there are lots of other good restaurants close by whose waiters are friendly. I wouldn' go back."

Restaurant Gandhi

Restaurant Gandhi

➤ Rüttenscheider Straße 22, 45128, Werden, Germany

Huhn • Indisch • Desserts • International

"we had been in the restaurant today on 18.02.2017.We had bought a voucher for a 5-course menu via groupon.At arrival in the restaurant we got a good day wanted and we were asked for names and reservations. the table. since we have never been there before we had to look where the garderobe was. after we had taken place we got the card with the note to read the five courses menu by. the great flower vases on which consisted of simple glasses and which have already been destined weeks had not been exchanged. a black water residue in the glass made it clear that once was water in the glass. after we have the menu or the five courses menu had studied came the service to ask for the selected main dish. you can choose from two menus. we were told that to the first floor a hint can be done, however, that you have to buy extra. the first floor a kind of thin dry chips of taste need to be used. only with the dipp it was possible to eat it. the second floor a small plate gurkensalat with a few seasonings ( nothing special). the third floor a spider-skinned rag. (all right). the fourth floor rice with a kind of sharp chicken curry (was from my own the most delicious) the matching garlic bread and the matching hint to the sharpening we had to buy ourselves. and the fifth floor a tiny little bit of a piece of ice (a laugh) summarizes a real sweat. we had to pay 20 euro to the bill of the credit card (probably nearly 70 euro). for beverages, brot and dipp. from my eyes a big abscess! the bill so incomprehensible that you don't understand anymore. and for a total of about 90 euros for 2 people a sweat what you get there! I would like to mention the toilets of this kind of dirty and disgusting. even paper was defective. I will no longer visit this restaurant and can not recommend it any more. from me five thumbs down!"